Celebrating our winners!

Last night, we announced the winners of the Comms Business Awards 2024 at our ceremony in London. Congratulations to all of our winners and highly commended entries!

We had a brilliant time bringing the Channel together to celebrate your successes. Thank you to everyone who joined us.

Recognising the fantastic work of the Channel is so important and we couldn’t do it without the support of our community. A huge thank you to our sponsors, judges and the supporting organisations who make our awards possible.

You can take a look at our winners in full here.

The Comms Business Awards will be back in 2025. Keep an eye out for an update later this year!

Charlotte Hathway
Editor of Comms Business

2024 Winners

See the list in full here

Sponsor the awards

Still a few sponsorship opportunities available!

2024 Shortlist

View the shortlist


You can submit your entry online using the online entry system. You will need to register first and then choose the categories you wish to enter. Once you have completed the work on your entries, you can submit them all at once. The online entry system allows you to start an entry, save it, and complete it later.

Entries will re-open, early 2025

*Please note that this date will NOT be extended

Please ensure you are entering the correct category, refer to the entry description if you are unsure. Please ensure you place the main component of your entry within the web-form provided and include all the information requested in each section.

Including supporting material is encouraged but it should not comprise the main component of your entry.

Please ensure you upload a high resolution company logo to accompany your entry.

Your entry will be judged based on the information you submit in the main entry form.

You may submit additional supporting information but this should be to enhance your entry and not replace the content of the entry form itself.

Whilst supporting material is important and helpful to the judges, we ask that you keep these documents to a reasonable number.

The Awards are open to any business which is part of the technology community that has some form of UK presence

Activities during the judging period 1st January - 31st December 2023 are eligible for these awards.

Multiple entries are allowed across the awards where applicable (please read category descriptions)

Sponsors may not enter the category that they are sponsoring

All entries must completed within the entry web form provided

Any access passwords or details required as part of entry judging must be clearly supplied in time for the close of call for entries

We appreciate that some entry information will be sensitive, all business information submitted will be in strict confidence (NDA’s can be requested where appropriate)

The Judges’ decision is FINAL. No discussions on recounts or requests for justification will be entered into

Include tangible evidence of the impact your company, or solution, has had on your customer’s business. Judges are looking for hard metrics, particularly on business performance and growth.

Less is more. Our judges have to read hundreds of entries, be concise and focus on making your entry stand out above the crowd.

Stick to the entry form. Don’t go off-piste when it comes to entering. Supporting documents are just that… ‘support’. Your main entry should demonstrate the bulk of your submission.

Compelling stories make winners. Companies that change businesses for the better or demonstrate innovation are held in high regard. Tell a story which demonstrates why you deserve to win.

Don’t try and fluff it with waffle and marketing speak, our judges have been around the block (and back) and will see straight through ambiguous claims laced with sales talk.

Entries re-open, early 2025